“Gestalt Coaching for Awareness Management: The Elements of Mastery.”

May 18, 2023 | Dorothy E. Siminovitch

Dorothy E. Siminovitch. “Gestalt Coaching for Awareness Management: The Elements of Mastery.” In Gestalt Practice: Living and Working in Pursuit of wHolism, edited by Mary Ann Rainey and Brenda B. Jones. Oxfordshire, UK: Libri Publishing, 2019.

“A mindfulness revolution is spreading across the world in response to the fragmentation of attention caused by rapid change and disruption. The Gestalt approach, which holds awareness as core to functional well-being and new learning, is an antidote to this fragmentation. This chapter clarifies the awareness dimensions that activate one’s presence and the awareness choice points for use of self, which is the barometer of masterful coaching and leadership work.”

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