Explore the
What, How, and Why of Gestalt Coaching

with Dr. Dorothy E. Siminovitch, Ph.D., MCC

An Easy Read

Gestalt Based Coaching – An Interview

Dr. Hoda Kilani CPCC RCF, host of Hoda’s Career Info, interviews Dr. Dorothy Siminovitch, MCC. This interview can also be listened to as a podcast on SoundCloud.

Upcoming Gestalt Workshops

Enhancing Your Competency

Adaptability, creativity, and resilience are the qualities leaders need to guide organizations through volatile and disruptive events. Gestalt coaching embraces the awareness skills that support these strengths. Coaching has emerged as a distinctive competency and a professional calling. It is an important function that supports learning and intentional change…

Presence and Masterful Use of Self: Intervention and Influence Skills

Personal and professional mastery means that we are aware of what we evoke through our presence and are responsible for what we provoke through the deliberate leveraging of our presence. Presence and how we can use our presence for influencing others has proven to be a “high touch” human process skill. That skillful leveraging of presence requires excellent process management skills to serve client awareness, choice, and opportunities for innovation…

Gestalt Team and Group Work: Mastery in Process Skills

Understanding and being able to facilitate groups and work teams is a core competency for leaders, consultants, and executive coaches. Professional mastery in group leadership means having the skills to recognize and track system issues, being able to tolerate disruptions, and being able to intervene…

The Art and Practice of Working with Resistance: An Essential Skill to Develop

It is important to recognize resistance, recognize when it is of value, and recognize when other options are needed. Through practicing the essential skill of working with resistance, learn useful tools and techniques that can set foundation for deeper understanding, compassion, and creative interventions to assist constructive choice for new possibilities…

A Gestalt Coaching Primer

Experienced and student coaches alike will find this book to be a valuable and trusted resource for nurturing and refining their own practices and professional growth.

An excerpt from the book summary as listed on Amazon –

“This accessible book presents the foundational principles and competencies that make Gestalt-based coaching a particularly powerful paradigm in the field of professional coaching…Dr. Siminovitch clearly defines and illustrates the integrative concepts of effective coaching presence and use of self, which she calls Awareness Intelligence™…the author, a thought champion in the development of Gestalt coaching, aligns Gestalt competencies with the core competencies of the International Coaching Federation, one of the premier global coach accreditation organizations.”

cover of A Gestalt Coaching Primer, book by Dorothy Siminovitch
Gestalt Coaching founder and author Dorothy Siminovitch

About Dorothy Siminovitch

Dorothy E. Siminovitch, PhD, MCC, is founder and president of Gestalt Coaching Works, LLC. She is an international coach, consultant, speaker, and author. Dorothy is the founder and co-owner of the Gestalt Coaching Program in Istanbul, an ICF coach training program which she serves as Director of Training and as faculty. She is co‐founder of the Gestalt Center for Coaching, which delivers ICF accredited coach training workshops and extended programs internationally. She recently joined Hudson Coaching Institute as faculty for a core coaching program.

Awareness Intelligence™, Embodied Presence, and Use of Self Skills

“Dorothy is a master—elegant, simple, provocative, deep and fully present to the moment and the opportunities at hand. Our leadership team gathers for a retreat and new learning each winter and last year we spent two magical days with Dorothy. Each leader on the team spends so much time teaching, coaching and consulting with individuals, teams, and larger scale organizations—the power of our presence in the months to come was profoundly impacted through our work with Dorothy—what a gift to any leader!”
— Pam McLean, PhD | CEO, The Hudson Institute of Santa Barbara


“My team came together to do some group work with Dorothy. I have to say that Dorothy’s skill at holding a group, facilitating their journey through areas of both business and personal lives and gently, yet firmly, moving everyone forward was nothing short of awesome. As an NLP Trainer, I’m used to elegant language and building effective relationships with groups – this lady is a true Master of both. What can I say? If you ever get the chance to work with Dorothy, grab it with both hands – in fact, I strongly urge people to MAKE the chance to work with her. You will never regret one minute of it!”
— Ralph Watson | Founder and Principal Consultant, Dynamic Communication Ltd., Rugby, England


Masterful coaching leads to powerful learning and transformational change.



In all walks of life, people are seeking how to manage a complex world while living a life of value, satisfaction, and new possibilities. In response to these challenges, Dorothy engages the creative energy of her audiences to spark an experiential alchemy that takes a “rote” presentation into new dimensions of possibility.



Dorothy creates both customized and skill-development workshops that are designed to support participants—strengthening their Awareness Intelligence™, embracing their embodied presence, and having a feedback-rich resource to measure their use of self. All workshops are designed as a safe container for learning, where diversity is supported and psychological safety is created..

Coach Training

Coach Training

An online / hybrid ICF-Accredited Coach Training Program which is a Gestalt-based approach to coaching. Current cutting-edge theories have been incorporated to strengthen our coaching rigor. This program is founded on core Gestalt values, which hold that it is the awareness of self and others, in the context of aware possibilities, that support choice for intervention and success.

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